Thursday, August 25, 2011

Big Girl J-O-B!

One of my best friends just got her first "Big Girl Job!" LOL! I am so proud of her. She is a physician's assistant in New Orleans.... a great one at that! I always tell her I'm thankful she uses the side of the brain that I don't. We are alike in a lot of ways.... except how we think. She's left brained and I'm right brained.... the picture below will give a better explanation (Visual and Non-verbal is characteristic of right-brained people). LOL!

I thought that my friend, Alisha, needed a little something to celebrate her new job! I put together a few of her favorite snacks to get her through her mentally draining days (I don't know how she does it!)
One more little note: Not only is Alisha a PA, but she's also a youth minister's wife. She is supportive of her husband and the kids in their youth group. (I put a little something in her package for them too... I know you always have a house full of kids.)

My only request: Give this Box Top to a kid in your youth group (who collects them for their school) or save it and give it to me later. I'm a Box Top FANATIC! I will buy the more expensive item, just because it has a Box Top on it. I collect them for a 5th grader that is close to our family. My husband even joins in on it. When he goes to the store with me (or I send him alone), he can never remember the brand of things we get, so he looks for the Box Tops. LOL! Yeah, we're pretty crazy!
Alisha, I'm so proud of you! Enjoy your goodies!

Have a blessed Thursday!

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