Friday, July 29, 2011

Envelope Idea

Not all letters/cards have to be sent in the mail. As much as I love to send and receive mail, I also love to hand deliver cards. There's nothing like seeing someone's reaction to a thoughtful card.

Here's an idea for an envelope:
Decorate the outside according to what you have in common with the person you are writing to.

For example, the picture below is a card that I gave to a guy that my husband and I know at the gym. He is a dear friend to us now. He works at Anytime Fitness. (If you're in the Las Vegas area, I highly recommend this gym... especially if you work crazy hours like my husband.) He's pretty hard-core too! On his envelope, I drew the gym's logo as well as some of the equipment we use there.

Make whatever you give personal!

Next week, I'm doing a post on some DIY envelopes.... with paper you probably already have in your house.

Have a blessed weekend!

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