Monday, May 3, 2010

Easter Present for the Love of My Life

I know I'm late on posting this one!

For Easter, I painted my husband a canvas for his office. However, I can't really take credit for it. He practically drew it all out on a piece of paper, picked a scripture, and said this is what I want. lol! So, if my husband ever tells you he can't draw or that he's not creative, don't believe him!

Since this post is about my husband's gift, I'm going to take the chance to brag on him a little bit. I am so blessed. I know people say that all the time, but I really wish I could put into words just how blessed I am (there aren't enough words). I am married to the most amazing man on the face of the planet. He is my best friend. We have been through many things together, especially over the past year, that I wouldn't trade for anything. We have learned to rely on each other and God only. We have spent more time (quality time) together than probably the average married couple... and I LOVE it! My husband is my favorite person to be around. He is a wonderful listener, encourager, hard worker, great teacher, provider for our family, and comedian. He gives the best hugs. He can run a FULL Marathon without training for it (makes me sick!) He is a huge supporter of me fulfilling my dream. He allows me to have my dream job! But, above everything else, he is a MAN OF GOD! That man loves the Lord with all his heart and that is absolutely my favorite thing about him. I love to pray with him every night! I always look forward that part of my day. I am so proud of my husband. He is a man of his word and he is trustworthy.

Ok, now that I've rambled on about my husband, I'll get to the canvas. lol!
Stephen gave me this drawing that he drew (he did a wonderful job might I add):

Here's the canvas:
Have a blessed day!

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